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Ewa K. Strzelecka is an award-winning author of dozens of publications published in Spanish (S), English (E), French (F), Arabic (A), Polish (P) and Dutch (D).



Women in the Arab Spring: the construction of a political culture of feminist resistance in Yemen, CSIC Press, Madrid, 2017 (S).

Book reviews by: 

Gender, Culture, Islam and Development: the Construction of a Political Culture of Feminist Resistance in Yemen, University of Granada, Granada, 2015 (S, E).


Economy and Human Development: multidisciplinary perspectives, a volume co-edited with J. Guardiola and G. Gagliardini, University of Granada, Granada, 2009 (S).



​"Spirituality, Religion and Peace: Holistic Approaches in Peace Studies", in J. Marques (ed.) Encyclopedia of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Spirituality, Springer, 2024. 

"Resistencia y Agencia de las Mujeres en el Contexto del Conflicto Armado en Yemen: una Articulación de la Paz Feminista" (Resistance and Agency of Women in the Context of Armed Conflict in Yemen: An Articulation of Feminist Peace), in:
Sofía Rodríguez López, Violencias de género: historia y memoria, Catarata, Madrid, 2024. (S).

"Women’s participation and the politics of war and peace in Yemen", in Stephan Reiner and Alexander Weissenburger (eds): Yemen at a Crossroads: What Remains of Arabia Felix?, Federal Ministry of Defence, Vienna, 2024.


“Women under the Huthi Regime: Gender, Nationalism and Islam”, in Abdullah Hamidaddin (ed.): The Huthi Movement in Yemen: Ideology, Ambition and Security in the Arab Gulf, I.B. Tauris, New York, 2022 (E).


“The Constitutional Reforms of the Maghreb Spring in Algeria and Morocco: Privileged Indicators of the Scope of the Democratization Process” (with Ma Angustias Parejo Fernandez), in Samantha Ribero Meyer-Plufg Marques and Renata Mota Maciel (eds.): Constituição por elas: A interpretação constitucional sob a ótica das mulheres, Universidade Nove de Julho -UNINOVE, São Paulo, 2021, pp.  602-613 (S).


“Women, Gender and Islam: Critical Hermeneutics”, in Ruiz Arévalo, Javier (ed.): La perspectiva de género en la gestión de crisis, University of Granada Press, 2020 (S).


“Les processus de réforme constitutionnelle en Méditerranée: les avancées et les limites du changement au Maghreb” (with Mª Angustias Perejo Fernandez), in La Méditerranée plurielle dans un environnement de mondialisation et de déséquilibre régional, Editions & Impressions Bouregreg – Rabat, Publications du GERM, 2019 (F).


"A Political Culture of Feminist Resistance: Exploring Women’s Agency and Gender Dynamics in Yemen’s Uprising (2011-2015)", in Heinze, Marie Christine (ed.): Yemen and the Search for Stability: Power, Politics and Society After the Arab Spring, I.B. Tauris, New York, 2018 (E).


“Ethnographic reflexivity as a feminist and postcolonial methodological proposal in social education” (with Virtudes Téllez; Irene Martínez; Natalia Hipólito; Yolanda García), in Roberto Moreno López (ed.): New contexts of socio-educational intervention, Grao Editorial, Barcelona, 2017 (S).


"Constitutional reform processes: exploring the advances and the limits of change in the Middle East and North Africa" (with Mª Angustias Perejo Fernandez), in Inmaculada Szmolka (ed.): Political Changes in the Middle East and North Africa: Political Regimes and Post-Arab Spring Regional Scenario, Edinburgh University Press, 2017 (E).


"Women in Islamic Culture and the Use of the Interpretive Power of the Quran", in Ruiz Arévalo, Javier (ed.): Guide for Gender Advisers in Peacekeeping Operations, University of Granada, Granada, 2015 (S).


"Women’s rights movements in Yemen's uprising", in Paloma Gonzalez del Miño (ed.): The Arab Spring: regional revolution, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, 2013 (S).


"Culture, Gender and Development: perceptions and boundaries. The case of women’s movements in Egypt," in Vieitez Cerdeño, Soledad, Juan Rodríguez Medela and Isabel Marín Sánchez (eds.): Perceptions of development, University of Granada, Granada, 2012 (S).


"Gender and Development Studies: theory, policy and practice,” in Guardiola, Jorge; Miguel Ángel García Rubio and Francisco González Gómez (eds.): Human development: theory and practice, Comares, Granada, 2011 (S).


"Introduction," in Strzelecka, Ewa, Jorge Guardiola and Giuliaserena Gagliardini (eds.): Economy and Human Development, University of Granada, Granada, 2010 (S).


"A Cultural Approach to Development Theory: Considerations on Gender, Culture and Development in the Arab World," in Strzelecka, Ewa, Jorge Guardiola and Giuliaserena Gagliardini (eds.): Economy and Human Development, University of Granada, Granada, 2010 (S).


"Gender, development and cultural diversity," in Molina, Estefania and Nava San Miguel (eds.): Gender and development studies: the new trends, Autonomous University of Madrid, Madrid, 2009 (S). 


"National Response to Female Genital Mutilation in Egypt. The Case of the FGM Free Village Model Program,” in Molina, Estefanía and Nava San Miguel (eds.): Good Practices on Women’s Human Rights, Autonomous University of Madrid, Madrid, 2009 (S).


"The National Women's Institute's Education Program on Women and International Development: History and Political Impact from 1989 to 2007," in Molina, Estefanía and Nava San Miguel (eds.): Gender and development studies: evaluation and recommendations, Autonomous University of Madrid, Madrid, 2009 (S).


“Economics for Human Development: An Innovation within the European Higher Education Area,” in Training Guide for University Professors, Comares, Granada, 2009 (S). 




"Empowering Women’s Political Participation: An exploration of Gender Dynamics and Political Opportunities in Yemen's Conflict and Peace Processes" (in peer review).

“Rethinking peacebuilding: Yemeni Women Activists, Political Remittances, and Diaspora Engagement,” Middle East Law and Governance (MELG), work in progress (will be published in a special issue on Yemen in 2024/2025) (E).

"Gender, Nationalism and Revolution in Western Sahara: Women’s Participation in the Polisario State-Movement", Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos (REIM) 35: 116–138, 2023. (E).


"South Yemen's Independence Struggle: Generations of Resistance" (book review), Politics, Religion & Ideology, 24 (3): 474-476, 2023. (E)


"Voorbij het nieuws: Jemen" ("Yemen: What is missing in the media") (with Marina de Regt), Zem Zem: Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en Islam 19 (1): 82-87, Amsterdam, 2023. (D).

Discussing Yemen in the Netherlands: Transnationalism and Peacebuilding” (with Marina de Regt), Standplaatswereld, 2023 (E).


Rethinking Peacebuilding: Women, Revolution, Exile and Conflict Resolution in Yemen. Introduction to the Peace Women Project,” Jemen-Report, Deutsch-Jemenitische Gesellschaft, 53: 81-82, 2022 (E).


“Mujeres y el nuevo autoritarismo en Yemen: huzíes, revolución, nacionalismo e islam" (Women and the New Authoritarianism in Yemen: Houthis, Revolution, Nationalism and Islam”), Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos (REIM), 31:49-69, 2021 (S).


“Women’s Human Rights in the Arab-Islamic World: Universalism versus Relativism,” Oñati Socio-Legal Series, Vol. 10 (1S),  pp. 160S–183S, 2019 (S).


“Sovereignty in exile: A Saharan Liberation Movement Governs (book review),” Human Right Review, Vol. 19 (76), 2019 (E).


“Sovereignty in exile: A Saharan Liberation Movement Governs (book review)” (with E. Bengochea Tirado), Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana (AIBR), Vol 13 (3), 2018  (S).


"Yemen's uprising: exploring the relationship between political elites and social movements", Aula Mediterrània, nº 32, 2016 (S).


 “Gender and Islam in Development Policy and Practice in Yemen,” Arabian Humanities, nº 1, 2013 (E).


“Women in the Arab Spring: the case study of Yemen’s uprising,” Tiempo de Paz, nº 107, 2012 (S).  


“Women in the Yemeni Revolution of 2011,” Journal of International Mediterranean Studies (REIM), nº 13, 2012 (S). 


“Women’s Rights Movements in Yemen,” Revista de Estudios Yemeníes, Sana’a, nº 1, 2012, (S).




The Role of the Diaspora in Peacebuilding in Yemen: Potentials and Opportunities, Challenges and Constraints (co-authored with M.Ch Heinze), CARPO Brief, nº 22, 2022 (E).


The Role of Civil Society in Peacebuilding in Yemen (with A. Qassim, L. Amin, M. Transfeld), CARPO Brief, nº 18, 2020 (E). 

دور القطاع الخاص في بناء السالم في اليمن (with A. Qassim, L. Amin, M. Transfeld), CARPO Brief nº 19, 2020 (A).

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