Conferences and Invited Talks
Ewa K. Strzelecka has given almost 100 paper presentations and invited talks across the world on conflict and peace-building, human rights, diversity, (in)equalities, nationalism, revolutions, gender justice, international development, women’s rights movements, refugees and forced migration, postcolonial feminism, activism in exile, diversity and the complexity of socio-political change in and beyond the MENA region.
Invited talks
Women role as peacemakers in conflicts and crisis, Tallin University, Estonia, 24.05.2024.
Decolonising and feminising cooperation for global justice, Research seminar, Oxfam, Madrid, 14.03.2024.
Reimaging Peacemaking: Gender, Diaspora, and Peace Democratization in Yemen, University of Leiden (NL), 19.02.2024.
How to get justice for war crimes?, Studium Generale, Universiteit Utrecht (NL) 4.12.2023.
Women's resistance to violence and peacebuilding in Yemen, University Complutense of Madrid (Spain), 29.09.2023.
Role of the Yemeni Diaspora in Peacebuilding, chairperson and convener of the roundtable, Yemen International Forum, Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies, The Hague (NL), 15.06. 2023. More info:
Discussing Yemen in the Netherlands: Transnationalism and Peacebuilding by Ewa Strzelecka & Marina de Regt
The Yemen International Forum: A Space for Constructive Dialogue and Opportunities by Ahmed Al Khameri, 2023.
“Rethinking peace-building in Yemen: war-induced migration, gender and transnational activism”, ACMES roundtable, UVA, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 6.06.2023.
Women, Violence and Peace: Rethinking the Representation of Yemen's Revolutionary Struggles in the Media. Photography: from aesthetics of violence to aesthetics of peace, International Institute of Social Science, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 30.05.2023.
“Political participation and women's rights in Africa: the case of Sahraoui women”, Solidaridad Internacional, Bilbao (Spain), 19.10.2022.
“Mapping Yemen’s Diaspora: Yemeni Diaspora in Germany and the Netherlands”, Workshop: The Role of the Diaspora in Peacebuilding in Yemen, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and CAPRO-Bonn, Amman (Jordan), 12.06.2022.
“Detained Under Houthis”, Panel discussion, Frontline Club, London (UK), 28.06.2022.
“Peace Women project: presentation of preliminary research findings”, Research Seminar, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 21.06.2022.
“Women and war in Yemen”, Keynote speaker, II Symposium on International Studies and Foreign Politics, Universidad La Salle (Mexico), 18.05.2022.
“Rethinking Peace-building: women, revolution, exile and conflict resolution in Yemen”, CARPO-Bonn (Germany), 26.04.2022.
“International tools and mechanism to advance the WPS agenda regionally” (panel discussion), Workshop: Regional Network for Women in Peace and Security Issues, Carpo-Bonn, Gulf Research Center Foundation, Bonn (Germany), 29-30.03.2022.
“Auf einen Kaffee mit Ewa K. Strzelecka”, Lunch seminar, CARPO-Bonn (Germany), 22.02.2022.
“Political conflict in Yemen”, Summer School: International Relations and Political Change in the MENA region, Universidad Pablo Olavide of Seville (Spain), 20-21.07.2021.
"10 years after uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa", Externado University of Colombia (Colombia), 4.03.2021.
"Civil Society and Peace-Building in Yemen", CARPO-Bonn, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 2019.
“Women and girls in Yemen: situated practices, border thinking and postcolonial feminism”, University of the Balearic Islands, Mallorca (Spain), 27-29.06.2019.
“Gender, race and social status in making the Saharawi revolution”, Seminar: Research Notes from Nouakchott and Tindouf: Islam, Politics and Gender in Western Sahara, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal), 11.05.2018.
“From Arab Spring to struggle for peace: creating a political culture of feminist resistance in Yemen”, Euro-Arab Foundation, Granada (Spain), 29.06.2017.
“Women and the politics of resistance in Yemen”, Casa Árabe, Madrid (Spain), 13.06.2017.
“Women in Yemen’s Spring”, Amnesty International, Castilla la Mancha Library in Toledo (Spain), 8.06.2017.
“Women in the Arab Spring: constructing a political culture of feminist resistance in Yemen” (book presentation), Feria del Libro de Madrid (Spain), 6.06.2017.
“Women in the Arab Spring: towards a political culture of feminist resistance in Yemen”, University of Castilla La Mancha, José Hierro Library in Talavera de la Reina (Spain), 5.06.2017.
“Women’s agency and gender dynamics in Yemen’s uprising”, Centre for Anthropological Studies, NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal), 16.05.2017.
“Arab and Islamic Feminism: trends and debates”, University of Granada (Spain), 22.03.2017.
“Feminism and Islam”, Seminar on Migration Studies, University of Granada (Spain), 22.03.2017.
“Culture and women: driving force for social change in Yemen”, Workshop on Women, Participation and Cultural Diversity, University of Castilla la Mancha (Spain), 16.02.2017.
“Women in Saudi Arabia”, Women, Participation and Cultural Diversity, University of Castilla la Mancha (Spain), 16.02.2017.
“Forgotten wars: the situation of human rights in Yemen”, Course on Refugees and Human Rights, University of Castilla la Mancha, Talavera de la Reina (Spain), 17- 18.11.2016.
"Women and Islam: between discourses and social realities", Seminar on Islamophobia, University of Granada (Spain), 16.06.2016.
"Yemen's uprising: exploring the relationship between political elites and social movements," European Institute of the Mediterranean IEMed, Barcelona, (Spain), 19.05.2016.
"Armed conflicts and their consequences in the Middle East: from Iraq to Yemen", Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Granada (Spain), 6.04.2016.
"Iraq, Syria and Yemen: peace opportunities and challenges", Civic Centre Albaycin, Granada (Spain), 7.03.2016.
"Women in the New Yemen,” Workshop on The New Yemen, CARPO-University of Bonn (Germany), 16‐17.06.2014.
“Gender, Religion and Development in Yemen,” Gender Development Research and Studies Centre, University of Sana´a, Sana'a (Yemen), 25.06.2013.
"Women and Arab Uprisings,” San Telmo Museum, Local Government of San Sebastian (Spain), 13.12.2012.
"The Arab Spring: women's role in the uprising,” European Institute of the Mediterranean, Barcelona, (Spain), 11.12.2012.
"Women in the Arab Spring: The Case Study of Yemen,” International Catalan Center for Peace, Barcelona (Spain), 11.12. 2012.
"Gender and Human Development,” Princess Nora University, Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), 19.11. 2012.
"Yemeni Women and the Arab Spring,” Szklarska Poreba (Poland), 18.05.2012.
"Yemen’s Revolutionary Women,” Al Yanub Association and Al Babtain Foundation, Granada (Spain), 27.03.2012.
"Gender, Development and Cultural Diversity in Yemen,” Reina Sofia Museum, Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain), 3.02.2012.
"Yemen's revolutionary women: gender, culture and development,” Euro-Arab Foundation, Granada (Spain), 21.11.2011.
"Gender, Culture and Human Development,” Seminar on Human Development, University of Granada (Spain), 14-16.03.2011.
"Gender and Development Studies: Arab and African perspectives,” Workshop on Gender and Rural Development, University of Lleida and University of Granada (Spain), 4-5.11.2010.
Conference papers
Possibilities and Limits of Researching Yemeni Global Mobility, MESA Meeting, Washington DC, 11-16.11.2024. (USA).
Women, diaspora and politics of war and peace in Yemen, Polish Conference of Political Science, 18-20.09.2024 (Poland).
“Rethinking Peace-building in Yemen: Women, Revolution, Transnational Politics and Activism in Exile”, Insaniyyat Forum in Tunis (Tunisia), 20-24.09.2022.
"Activism from exile: women, political remittances and peacebuilding in Yemen", EASA Conference, Queen’s University, Belfast (UK), 26-29.07.2022.
“Yemeni Women's Role In the Building of Political Transnationalism: Revolution, Exile and Political Remittances”, AIBR Conference, Universidad de Salamanca (Spain), 12-15.07.2022.
“Women, power and representation in Yemen’s peace-building”, Meeting of Researchers on the Arab and Muslim World (FIMAM), University of Granada (Spain), 13-14.12.2021.
“Women's political participation in Yemen under Houthi control”, VII International Conference of Anthropology AIBR, Vila Real (Portugal), 27-30.09.2021.
“Women and New Authoritarian Regimes in Yemen”, XV Spanish Conference of Political Science AECPA (online), 7-9.09.2021.
“Women under the Houthi Regime: Gender, Islam and Nationalism”, International Conference: Arab Spring: 10 years after Arab Spring, Casa Árabe and Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), 10-12.02.2021.
”Yemeni female activists in peace processes”, VI International Conference of Anthropology AIBR (online) 28-31.07.2020.
“Women in the Arab Spring: the construction of a political culture of feminist resistance in Yemen, VI International Conference of Anthropology AIBR (online edition), 28-31.07. 2020.
“Women’s representation in peace-building in Yemen”, XXII FIMAM Conference, European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), Barcelona (Spain), 24-25.10.2019.
“Social movements and political change in the Saharawi refugee camps of Tindouf”, XIV AECPA Conference, University of Salamanca (Spain), 10-12.07.2019.
“Gender, race and politics: new perspectives on the Saharawi liberation movement”, VII APA Conference, Lisbon (Portugal), 4-7.06.2019.
"A history of struggle: feminism and leftist nationalism within Western Sahara's Polisario movement", International Conference SeSaMo, Torino University, Torino (Italy), 31.01-2.02.2019.
“Women’s role in the Sahrawi politics”, International Conference: Insularities and enclaves in colonial and post-colonial circumstances, School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon (Portugal), 6-7.12.2018.
“Gender and nationalism: women’s participation in the Polisario state movement”, II CAPOLCOT- International Conference Political Change and Territorial Conflicts in the MENA region, University of Granada (Spain), 22-23.11.2018.
“Feminism and revolution: women in the anti-colonial struggle in Western Sahara, IV International Conference of Anthropology AIBR, University of Granada (Spain), 4-8.09.2018.
“Women and Resilience in Western Sahara”, World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), Seville (Spain), 16-20.07.2018.
“Women's political activism in revolutionary struggles in Western Sahara and Yemen”, Workshop The fourth wave of feminism, International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati, Gipuzkoa – Euskadi (Spain), 14-15.06.2018.
“Living the revolution: Culture and women’s resistance in Western Sahara and Yemen”, CASCA-CUBA. Canadian Anthropology Society Annual Meeting, Universidad de Oriente - Santiago de Cuba (Cuba), 16-20.05.2018.
“Women in the Arab Spring: the construction of a political culture of feminist resistance in Yemen”, XVI Conference of Anthropology, University of Valencia (Spain), 5-8.09.2017.
“Gender, development and Islamic diversity in Yemen”, Conference on Cultural diversity in Europe and the Arab World, University of Granada (Spain), 28.03.2017.
“Art, revolution and feminism: a cultural impact of the Arab Spring”, XIX Meeting of Researchers on the Arab and Muslim World (FIMAM), University of Castilla La Mancha (Spain), 4 -5.02.2016.
"Women, revolution and social change: the case of Yemen," Conference on Gender and Development, University of Granada (Spain), 9-10.04.2015.
"Women and revolution: towards a political culture of feminist resistance in Yemen,” International Conference on Political Change and Territorial Conflicts in MENA, University of Granada (Spain), 13-14.11.2014.
"A political culture of feminist resistance: exploring women’s agency and gender dynamics in Yemen’s uprising,” V Gulf Research Meeting, University of Cambridge (UK), 25-28.08.2014.
"Women in Yemen’s revolutionary movement 2011-2014,” Seminar on Sociological and Political Science Research, Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard University, Cambridge MA (USA), 4-8.08.2014.
"Women’s rights movements in the 2011 Yemeni Revolution,” International Conference on Change in the Arab World, Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), 14.12.2012.
"Women's movements in the Arab Spring,” XIV FIMAM Conference, Euro-Mediterranean University Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain), 9-10.02.2012.
"Gender Equality for Development,” II Gender and Development Studies Conference, UN Women, Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), 13-14.12.2011.
"Gender, Culture and Development: Islam and Women's Human Rights in Yemen,” Gender Transformations in the Arabian Peninsula and the Horn of Africa Conference, The French Centre for Archaeology and Social Science in Sana'a (CEFAS), Cairo (Egypt), 16-17.11.2011.
"Islam, Gender Policies and Women's Rights in Yemen,” XIII FIMAM Conference, University of Granada (Spain), 27-28.01.2011.
"Gender and Development in Educational Programs of the Spanish National Institute for Women,” International Conference on Gender and Development Studies, Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain), 2-4.12.2009.
"Women and cultural change in Morocco," Conference on Feminism, the Enlightenment and Multiculturalism, University UNED of Madrid (Spain), 13-17.11.2006.
"Islamic veil and the identity of the second-generation Muslims in France," International Conference on European Culture, University of Navarra (Spain), 19-22.10.2005.